For student to learn procedures involved in an emergency approach
and landing (engine-out), including recognizing the need for a
landing, selecting an appropriate site, and following standard
procedures for landing the plane safely. Practice is meant to
make this a routine procedure, so that in the event of an actual
engine-out situation, the pilot/student will know what to do and
be calm.
Situations that might call for an emergency landing. Selection
of a landing site. Following of a mental and an actual checklist.
Troubleshooting. Division of attention. Power-off approach and
landing technique: best glide, configuration, approach planning,
radio work, altitude and set-up management.
Airworthy aircraft. POH. PTS. Visual aids.
Ground lesson: 25 minutes
Instructor demonstration: 10 minutes
Student practice: 20 minutes, then periodically
Postflight feedback: 10 minutes
Preflight: (see lesson plan) motivate, explain, have student be
an armchair pilot, list common errors, discuss.
In flight: Demonstrate proper engine-out approach and landing
while talking through it. Coach and encourage student. Go slow
and be gentle (don't rush!)
Postflight: Give feedback and suggestions.
Preflight: Attend to explanation, be an armchair pilot, answer
In flight: Perform new maneuver after demonstration. Go slow and
gentle (don't rush!)
Postflight: Ask questions.
Completion standards:
Establishes best glide configuration and airspeed +/- 10 kts,
selects a suitable landing area, troubleshoots, varies airspeed
and pattern as necessary so as to make the landing site, completes
appropriate checklists.
Review: Normal and short-field landing procedures.
Objective: To become familiarized with the emergency
landing procedure, and practice it before taking the flight lesson.
Materials: Jeppesen picture
Attention/motivation: (1 minute)
We're flying in a plane that has only one engine. Have you been
in a car whose engine stopped? We, unfortunately, can't just pull
over to the side of the road. These things happen. We're going
to learn how to do it so that this is just another routine procedure.
(If this ever were to happen, you should be able to look at any
of your passengers, shrug, and say, "Don't worry. I've done
this before.")
Overview and explanation: (10 minutes)
If the engine quits, follow the PLSTART ("Please start!")
checklist, and then if you have time, the paper checklist.
1. Pitch for best glide. The first thing we want is maximum time.
Arrow = 79 KIAS
2. Landing site: find one. Airports are best. Then smooth fields.
A road without power lines might work. Trees, water, and (particularly)
power lines (e.g. that you may find over roads) are bad. Where's
the wind coming from?
3. Seat belts: fastened and tight.
4. Troubleshoot: If you're high enough, use the flow pattern to
check your systems: fuel, mags, boost pump, mixture, alternate
air, and gauges. Try to restart.
5. Approach: GUMPS check! Set up for your landing, getting to
the downwind (key) position at about 1000 AGL. GUMPS check!
6. Radios: Transponder on 7700. Send out the Mayday Mayday Mayday
call, to the tower/center you were already talking to, or to 121.5
Tell where you are, engine out, landing.
7. Turn off: Shut down everything so as to avoid a fire on landing.
Throttle closed, MMM, all switches off, fuel valve off, and door
Armchair piloting: (5 minutes)
You just lost your engine! What do you do?
Common errors: (2 minutes)
Spazzing out. Rushing. (Be calm!)
Poor airspeed control: best glide is best.
Ill selection of a landing site
Indecision or hesitation
Failure to estimate wind speed and direction
Not setting up properly for a suitable pattern
Checklist not completed
Undershooting or overshooting the landing site, or stretching
the glide
Oral evaluation/quiz and discussion questions:
(2 minutes)
Q: What's the first thing to do if the engine quits? BEST GLIDE.
Q: What is the best glide speed in the Arrow? (Note: this is a
good thing to review during preflight.)
Q: What criteria might you use in quickly selecting a landing
Q: What are the legal requirements regarding altitudes when practicing
this maneuver?
Q: When it's time to use the radio, what frequency should you