LWM VOR Rwy 23
The Lawrence VOR Rwy 23 is a good example of a VOR approach, with a feeder route, initial approach fix leading outbound to a procedure turn, intermediate segment including descent, a final approach descent and a missed approach to an NDB (outer marker).
The following description is based on the Jeppesen approach plate. It might be easier to look at the description with that plate open in another window. It's at www.scottsasha.com/aviation/handbook/vor/jepplwmvor23.html
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2. Initial 3. Procedure Turn 4. Intermediate 5. Final 6. Missed |
The procedure outlined below assumes the "full approach," meaning that the pilot can fly the entire thing without assistance from any air traffic control. This would be unusual in most actual instrument conditions. Instead, ATC is likely to give the pilot vectors to the final approach course, pointing the aircraft to a place where, in this example, it could intercept the 237º TO course toward the VOR. A reason to follow a feeder route and procedure turn would be for practice, or if there were a lost communications situation.
![]() Again, this wouldn't be necessary if Boston Approach were giving vectors to final, but in the case of a pilot-navigated full approach, it could start from the Manchester VOR. From there, fly the feeder route: the MHT 137º radial to the LWM VOR. |
![]() The initial approach begins while crossing over the VOR. Set the OBS to 057º and intercept this radial. Descend to 2000 feet. Fly out for a few miles in preparation for the procedure turn. |
![]() A procedure turn will get the plane back on the inbound course. Turn left to a heading of 012º , and fly for a minute (more or less, depending on wind). Then, make a standard rate turn to the right, completely around to a heading of 192º . Twist the OBS to 237. As the CDI centers, turn inbound to track the 237º TO course. |
![]() Established inbound, descend to 1400 feet. (This is a good time to do a prelanding checklist). Fly to the final approach fix: VELAN intersection, identified by the 2.4 DME from LWM, or by the MHT 128º radial. |
![]() From VELAN, track to fly the 237º TO course over the VOR, while descending to 640 feet. It will be 2.4 n.m. from VELAN to the VOR; the TO/FROM indicator will flip, and then it's another 1.5 n.m. to the missed approach point - just over the runway threshold. |
![]() If you break out of the clouds and can see the runway in time to make a normal descent and landing, then land. If not, than at the MAP you must execute a missed approach. The instructions tell you to climb to 2000 feet and follow the LWM VOR 233º radial to HAGET outer marker and hold there. Either a parallel or teardrop entry into the hold would be appropriate. |